
Otmane El Rhazi : 10 Fireworks Safety Tips for the Fourth of July

Otmane El Rhazi from

July 4 celebrates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence—and for many people, the celebration includes fireworks. Americans have been setting off fireworks to celebrate their independence since as early as 1777.

Yet, the thrill of colors exploding in the sky comes with dangers as well. On average, 240 people go to the emergency room each day with fireworks-related injuries in the month leading up to Independence Day. F

ollow these tips when using fireworks to ensure you and your family have a fun and safe holiday.

1. Make sure fireworks are legal in your locality and state before buying or using them. Even if your state allows fireworks, that doesn’t mean that your county, town, or city permit their use.

2. Never let young children play with or set off fireworks.

3. Don’t carry fireworks in your pocket or shoot them off in metal or glass containers.

4. Never place any part of your body directly over a fireworks device when lighting the fuse. Back up to a safe distance immediately after lighting fireworks.

5. Keep a bucket of water or a garden hose handy in case of fire.

6. Never re-light or immediately pick up fireworks that have not ignited fully.

Safe Disposal of Unused, Misfired, or “Dud” Fireworks

 7. Once they have completely burned, fully submerge fireworks in a large      bucket of water and soak until thoroughly saturated. This may take 15 minutes for small fireworks or several hours for larger ones.

8. Double wrap the completely soaked fireworks in plastic wrap or two plastic bags so they do not dry out.

9. Place the double-bagged fireworks in the household trash or bring them to your local solid waste facility.

10. Ask your local fire department or solid waste facility about other disposal options that may be available in your community.

Learn more about fireworks safety.

Otmane El Rhazi : Many Kids and Teens Can Eat For Free All Summer

Otmane El Rhazi from

Spread the Word About Summer Meals

Don’t let kids go hungry this summer. Just because school is out doesn’t mean they can’t get the same free or reduced-cost meals they rely on during the school year. In fact, any kid or teen 18 and under can eat for free at designated summer meals sites across the country. But too many families don’t know about or don’t take advantage of the program.

Find summer meals in your community. And use these tools to let people know they’re available.

Otmane El Rhazi : This is one of two flags that flew from Abraham Lincoln’s…

Otmane El Rhazi from

This is one of two flags that flew from Abraham Lincoln’s funeral train in New York. On April 19, 1865, an estimated 25 million Americans attended memorial services for Abraham Lincoln in Washington and around the country. #FlagDay

Photo from the National Museum of American History.